Combining Facebook, the most popular social media channel with WhatsApp, the most loved messaging platform worldwide, all you will have is luminous business growth while instantly connecting with your millions of potential customers.
Get started by adding a WhatsApp button to your Facebook ads with a few simple steps given below.
For creating ads on Facebook, you’ll first need to set up your WhatsApp Business account and connect it to your Facebook business page. By linking your WhatsApp business account to the Facebook business page, you allow users to reach out to you with a single click within the app.
Please click the below URL to know how you can set up your WhatsApp Business account.
After you have set up your WhatsApp Business account, get it linked to our Facebook Business page. Please click the below URL to know how you can connect your WhatsApp business account to your Facebook business page:
Here’s how you can-connect-Whatsapp-to-facebook
If you have already linked your WhatsApp business account to your Facebook business page, then you are all set to go!
Creating a Facebook ad that integrates with WhatsApp Business
Here’s how you can go about adding a WhatsApp button to your Facebook posts and ads.
Step 1: Select the existing post on your Facebook page that you wish to advertise or create a new one and publish it to promote the post.
Click the Boost Post button as shown in the screenshot.

Step 2: Select Send WhatsApp Message under Post Button on the left side menu to add a call-to-action (CTA) button to your post.
You may preview the boosted post on the right.

Note: Set your objective as post engagement to use this button as shown in the below image.

Step 3: Enter the mobile number associated with your WhatsApp business account to receive the 5-digit confirmation code. Once you receive the confirmation code, enter it and click on the Confirm button.

You will receive a confirmation message along with a green checkmark once your WhatsApp number gets connected to your Facebook page.
Step 4– Now is the time to build the rest of your ad by defining the target audience, budget, and duration (preferably for at least four days for better outcomes) for your ad. Then click Boost to submit it to Facebook.
And you’re all set! When the user clicks the Send Message button in the ad, the WhatsApp window will open on their phone so that they can directly start interacting with your business from the post itself.
Are you planning to use a click-to-WhatsApp messaging button for your Facebook boost post? Think Engagely, the expert AI solution provider with solid expertise in all the current market trends to cut down the call center over-heads and marketing spends significantly.
Enabled with a No-code platform and Natural language processing, the company’s intelligent virtual assistant allows seamless integration with client’s existing systems in a very short time to provide an exceptional customer experience while saving operational costs and increasing sales.

Akshada Benke
Senior content developer- Marketing
Akshada Benke is a content marketer at with more than twelve years of experience in digital content marketing field. She describes herself as a Philomath. She is confident & professional in developing strong consumer-insights driven goals to build brand and relationships.